I decided I might try blogging. Not that my life is all that interesting, but since there's a lot going on in my life right now, those of you that I don't get to talk to frequently can still keep up. I apologize if this is rather ramble-y, I don't really know what y'all want to know about and what you don't- plus I've had 2 glasses of wine ;-)
The first two weeks have law school have been pretty interesting. I definitely got myself way too worried about law school, I don't know if it's because I was a Philosophy Major, or because I was already exposed to reading cases through Dr. Benditt, or a combination of both, but I'm having a much easier time adjusting than a lot of my classmates.
I still feel pretty confident about my writing, but I haven't gotten my first essay back, so it's very possible that that will change come Friday. On a side note, I need to remember not to have more than 1 glass of wine before I brief cases...
I didn't think I was going to have any time to make cupcakes during law school, but I actually find that I have a lot of extra time on my hands (for now at least). I made some cupcakes just for fun last week, and a batch of cookies last weekend. Right now I'm trying my second attempt at banana bread in two days. I made some yesterday with some less-than-ideal bananas, and I thought it tasted disgusting. Kiyoshi and Kuni liked it, but they'll eat almost anything. I'm trying again right now and hopefully I'll be successful.
Kiyoshi takes the MCAT next Thursday, so needless to say he's been studying like crazy recently. He only has one class and a lab this semester, but I've hardly been able to see him at all because of all the studying he's doing. I know he's going to do incredibly, and I'm so proud of everything he's already accomplished.
For those of you that don't know, I'm rooming with Megan Ehlinger. I went to pre-school with her and danced with her, but didn't really get to know her until high school. She's at Med School at UAB, and so far we've been really compatible roommates. I have to admit I was a little worried because she's very much a "girly girl", and I'm very much not, but I've loved rooming with her. She is busy ALL of the time, and I have no idea how she does it. There's no way I could do Med School, she's literally at Volker from 8 am to at least 10 pm every day.
Lulu seems to like it here well enough. We have a big bay window that she loves to look out and walk on the sill of. I hate that our view is of the parking lot, and hate it even more because Lu has picked up a habit of barking at passerby's from Copper and Dobby (that wasn't a problem before I moved home for 8 months). She was behaving so well here that I started calling Mom and Daddy to brag about it, and then she had to go and screw it up. She would walk with Kiyoshi and me without her leash, and if she started to walk away all we had to do was call her name and she would turn right back around. When I took her out to go pee, she would go do her business and then come back and SIT DOWN next to me and wait for me to put her leash back on. So we started taking her out without her leash. She did wonderfully for about 3 days. Then I take her out 2 days ago without her leash, and she's wonderful until we start to go back up to our apartment. As soon as I turn to walk up the stairs, she runs as fast as she possibly can down the hallway and out of my sight. I run after her, but by the time I get to the end of the building she's nowhere to be seen. I start to panic because I can't run in two directions looking for her, and decide to take off in the direction that I usually walk her. She's nowhere to be seen, I start running in the other direction calling for her and finally see her running down from the entrance TO THE HIGHWAY and only catch her because someone was unloading her groceries and Lulu tried to jump in her car. Needless to say, she's not going out without her leash anymore.
I suppose I've rambled enough, plus the timer says it's time to see whether or not my banana bread is a success. I love you all!