I've been pretty crafty this past week thanks to Pinterest, so I thought I would share my crafts with everyone! Let's see, first I decided to try out a new cookie recipe I found and it turned out to be PHENOMENAL! Megan and I LOVED these cookies, and so did everyone else that we let have one. I HIGHLY recommend this recipe!

Then, Kiyoshi helped me carve my pumpkins. They turned out pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
We found the tutorial here, but didn't use it for much other than getting the pumpkin face. I bought a pumpkin carving kit from Michael's a few weeks ago that made carving the pumpkin SUPER easy. Definitely worth the $3!
Cumberland had their Halloween Party on Thursday that I took Megan to. I had actually ordered a costume this year, but when I put it on I looked ridiculous. It was Alice's dress from Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland. There was no way I was going to wear the costume in public with the way it looked on me, so I grabbed my red dress out of my closet and put on some of Megan's fake pearls and tried to be Lisa Simpson.
No one guessed who I was, but I wasn't really expecting anyone too. Megan went as Strawberry Shortcake and looked really cute. Sorry I didn't get any pictures, but I didn't want to take my camera to the Barking Kudu.
I ruined my favorite shirt by accidentally leaving a bra in with a load of laundry :-( The hooks ripped holes in the shirt, and I just couldn't bring myself to throw it away because, 1 it's from Anthropologie and that stuff is PRICEY, and 2, it's my favorite shirt! So, I decided I would turn it into a scarf. Here's how it turned out:
It was sad having to cut up the shirt, but I would've had to throw it away if i didn't. It was actually pretty simple to make, here's the tutorial.
And finally, I actually did something with all my plastic grocery bags other than just throwing them under the sink. I found a tutorial online on how to roll them up so they come out like wipes. It's SUPER simple, super quick, and saves a TON of space!

Please ignore my unmade bed in the background...
I guess that's all I have to say! Bekah might be coming over tonight for some Halloween drinks, but it will depend on how much research I get finished today. Friday my professor decides to tell us that the issue that I felt was the MOST IMPORTANT was the ONE issue we weren't supposed to research!! UUUUGGGGHHH! >-0 (I don't know how to make mad faces, so that's my attempt. It really looks more like a skinny fish or a stickman with no arms that has fallen down...) I wish he had told us that TWO WEEKS AGO when he first gave us the assignment. But, there's nothing I can do about it, so I just have to do ALL OF MY RESEARCH AGAIN!!!
Anyway! I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and gets to see tons of cute costumes! Happy Halloween from me and Lulu!