I've been pretty crafty this past week thanks to Pinterest, so I thought I would share my crafts with everyone! Let's see, first I decided to try out a new cookie recipe I found and it turned out to be PHENOMENAL! Megan and I LOVED these cookies, and so did everyone else that we let have one. I HIGHLY recommend this recipe!

Then, Kiyoshi helped me carve my pumpkins. They turned out pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
We found the tutorial here, but didn't use it for much other than getting the pumpkin face. I bought a pumpkin carving kit from Michael's a few weeks ago that made carving the pumpkin SUPER easy. Definitely worth the $3!
Cumberland had their Halloween Party on Thursday that I took Megan to. I had actually ordered a costume this year, but when I put it on I looked ridiculous. It was Alice's dress from Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland. There was no way I was going to wear the costume in public with the way it looked on me, so I grabbed my red dress out of my closet and put on some of Megan's fake pearls and tried to be Lisa Simpson.
No one guessed who I was, but I wasn't really expecting anyone too. Megan went as Strawberry Shortcake and looked really cute. Sorry I didn't get any pictures, but I didn't want to take my camera to the Barking Kudu.
I ruined my favorite shirt by accidentally leaving a bra in with a load of laundry :-( The hooks ripped holes in the shirt, and I just couldn't bring myself to throw it away because, 1 it's from Anthropologie and that stuff is PRICEY, and 2, it's my favorite shirt! So, I decided I would turn it into a scarf. Here's how it turned out:
It was sad having to cut up the shirt, but I would've had to throw it away if i didn't. It was actually pretty simple to make, here's the tutorial.
And finally, I actually did something with all my plastic grocery bags other than just throwing them under the sink. I found a tutorial online on how to roll them up so they come out like wipes. It's SUPER simple, super quick, and saves a TON of space!

Please ignore my unmade bed in the background...
I guess that's all I have to say! Bekah might be coming over tonight for some Halloween drinks, but it will depend on how much research I get finished today. Friday my professor decides to tell us that the issue that I felt was the MOST IMPORTANT was the ONE issue we weren't supposed to research!! UUUUGGGGHHH! >-0 (I don't know how to make mad faces, so that's my attempt. It really looks more like a skinny fish or a stickman with no arms that has fallen down...) I wish he had told us that TWO WEEKS AGO when he first gave us the assignment. But, there's nothing I can do about it, so I just have to do ALL OF MY RESEARCH AGAIN!!!
Anyway! I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and gets to see tons of cute costumes! Happy Halloween from me and Lulu!
Okay, Lulu is SO cute in her costume. Love it. Also, that scarf is amazing, although I am sorry about the shirt. Love!