Today started the campaigns for SBA and Honor Court. I haven't campaigned for anything since middle school, and I wasn't really going to do much campaigning for this. I was banking on my name being first since it's in alphabetical order and just getting picked that way. I know, I know, not a great tactic, but I just didn't have the money to campaign. Well, a the meeting last night they informed us that we have to put up at least one poster, even if we're running unopposed. Lame. Anyway, I was going to get some of my high school friends to help me think of a cute/funny slogan, when I thought of something myself. Here's my campaign poster:

I'm pretty proud of myself, I think it's pretty funny, and it's gotten a lot of laughs so far. Even though I've got my posters up, I'm not planning on doing much more campaigning other than maybe making an "event" on Facebook to get people to vote for me. Luckily the campaign only lasts until Tuesday at midnight, so there's not a lot I have to do to keep people's interest.
Today is my mom's birthday! She's pretty much the best mom in the world.

Look how happy she and daddy are :-) I won't tell you how old mom is cause she might freak out (probably not), but I will tell you that they got married when they were twenty and have been dating for over a quarter of a century!!
Emily decided we should throw a surprise party for her, so we celebrated her birthday last week since Daddy is leaving for Haiti tomorrow morning.
Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you!!
For redundancy's sake, I'm going to say once again that Daddy is going to Haiti tomorrow morning. I'm glad that he's going to help other people out and be a good person and everything, but at the same time I wish he was going somewhere that didn't have so many diseases! He's gotten a million and seven shots to prepare and is taking all sorts of other pills, but I'm still a little worried. I'm not so worried about the political stability because if there is any problems, the U.S. Embassy takes them to the Embassy and flies them back home personally. I know he and Mr. JD are going to have a great time, and hopefully help a lot of people, but I'm going to miss him.
We started "Blue Book Boot Camp" today. The Blue Book is the universal citation method for legal anything. Apparently it's hell on earth. We have a few assignments online, and hopefully I'll get one done tonight, but I'm keep you posted on how miserable this whole thing makes me.
Now, I believe I am going to take Lulu on a walk, go visit Kiyoshi, and then meet Daddy and Mr. JD for dinner :-)
I love you all!
I just read this. Thanks! Don't worry about Daddy. he will be fine. In the pic you posted my arm looks like it is 20 times the size of my head! I never noticed that before.