Grace's dog Jersey is only 6 months old, probably already 60 lbs, and GIANT! Here's a picture of her when she was a puppy-puppy and only 8 lbs! Now she probably stands 3 feet tall on all fours, and is going to get bigger!

Grace got her from the Humane Society, so she's not sure what she is, but thinks she's an English Pointer mix.
Caitlyn's dog Maggie is about 4 months old and 40-ish pounds. She get to go to Doggy Day-Care every day. I wish I could afford that for Lulu! Maggie will probably get to be about 45-50 pounds, and not much bigger. She's as sweet as can be, just like her mom :-)

Nina has a Border Collie named Finley or "Fin" that LOVES to play. She's one of those awesome dogs that can catch frisbee in her mouth and actually fetches balls and sticks and stuff. Apparently it gets kind of overwhelming though, because she likes to wake Nina up by dropping tennis balls or frisbees on Nina's face.

Anyway, I'm sure you can picture how funny it was to see my little Lulu barking at and chasing after all these dogs telling them to slow down or play nice- or whatever it was she was barking at them to do.

I LOVE that I've found more dog lovers here to hang out with. We're talking about making the dog park excursions a weekly thing so that the younger dogs can get socialized to other dogs, and so that the older dogs don't drive us crazy all weekend long :-)
Saturday Kiyoshi Kuni and I watched a movie called "Immortal Beloved". It's a movie about Beethoven, and it was actually pretty interesting. I had heard is was going to be like "Amadeus", and I wasn't sure I was in the mood to watch a movie like that, but I thought it was much more interesting and I enjoyed it. Afterwards we drove to Railroad Park and walked Lu around for about 45 minutes. It's GORGEOUS there, and it's big on conservation and recycling and all that good "green" stuff.
After that, I went to the Airport to surprise my daddy and Mr. JD. It was really nice to see them after their trip to Haiti, and they seem to have learned a lot and had a good time. I'm just glad they're home.
Today is a day full of studying- which I should be doing right now, but I also have to go grocery shopping. I went to make a sandwich today, but my bread was moldy so I tried to improvise a PB&J by using Ritz crackers instead of bread. It was pretty gross, I don't recommend it to anyone.
I need to study now!
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