
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Time!

I know Halloween is still a week away, but I was Stumbling and I found these links to "Creepy Wikipedia Articles". I thought I would help everyone get into the Halloween spirit by giving you the links to my favorites!

~A laughter epidemic that caused 14 schools to shut down and affected over 1000 people!

~Rocks that move without any human or animal intervention.

~A man that dresses up in a bunny costume and attacks people with an axe.

~A cathedral made entirely out of bones.

~People with a disease that makes them think their hand has a mind of it's own.

~A disorder that makes you think a family member or friend has been replaced with an identical impostor.

~Head transplant surgery- not brain transplant- head transplant.

~A man with a 13 inch long tail.

~A woman that convinced people she gave birth to rabbits.

~Faces that mysteriously appear on a concrete floor in a house.

~A mental disorder that makes men think their genitals are shrinking and will disappear.

~The devil's footprints in the snow.

~A Swedish ghost train.

~A part-goat part-man part-sheep hybrid that hides under a bridge.

~A locked vault that coffins moved around in even though it remains locked constantly with no proof of earthquakes or human interference.

~The most haunted house in England.

~Two women that experienced a time slip.

~A man that slowly destroyed his own body.

~A list of unusual deaths.

Happy Halloween!

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