
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Do my eyes deceive me?

Have you ever glanced at a word and read it wrong? Of course you have- who hasn't. Have you ever glanced at a word and read it wrong in front of a whole class? You probably have, it's not that uncommon. What I bet you HAVEN'T done is this:
We're sitting in Torts and I'm called on to brief a case again. I do MUCH better this time than I did last time in Torts, and I'm feeling much better about myself. I know you don't care, but in order to fully understand this exchange you need a little case background. The case is about an epileptic that has a seizure while driving and whether or not the courts should apply strict liability, absolute liability, negligence, or none of the above. So here we go.

Professor Nelson: "So, was he put on any medications?"
Me: "Yes, he was put on..." I glance down at my book to find the name of the drug "...probatin. Oh, wait, no- that would be probation."

Yes, I did that. Yes it was hilarious. I'm glad I wasn't having a bad day and that I'm not a person easily embarrassed or that could've been horrible, because it actually was really funny.

On that same note, every day Megan and I come home from class with funny quotes or stories to tell each other. The problem is that since I'm not in med school and she's not in law school, we don't get ANY of the jokes the other person tells us. It's almost become a game to see who can find a joke from the day that the other person will get. The closest I got was last week when I was telling her about two guys in class talking about damages for a guy that broke into a house and got his legs blown of by a spring gun:
Jay: "I mean, he got $29,500."
Lance: "Yeah, minus legs."

The funny this is how NOT funny we find the other person's joke, and it makes for great stories for our classmates the next day.

SBA and Honor Court voting started today, and we're going to find out tomorrow at the Bar Review who won. I'm hoping that I either win or don't win- I don't want to have to do a run-off election, but since you have to win by a majority, chances are that there's going to be a lot of run-offs.

Kiyoshi's coming over in a little while and I'm going to make him play Mario Bros with me and then go swimming with Bekah, so I should probably quit rambling on here and do my readings!

I love you!

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