
Monday, September 12, 2011

Just one of those days...

Today was one of those days where I just wanted to crawl back into bed and try again later, but fortunately the day got better.

I was called on to brief a case in Contracts today and did VERY well. I definitely think it makes up for my not-so-great performance in Torts last week.

I started these stupid Blue Book Citing exercises that we have to do, and I can say without any reservation that I HATE BLUE BOOK CITATIONS! Ugh! I can't believe I EVER complained about MLA citations! I got a question wrong because I was looking at rule 193823239485 for citing quotes that were UNDER 49 words instead of rule 9384569847 for quotes that were 49 words and over... On top of that, the title Blue BOOK is deceiving. It may be one book, but there are three different sections in the book and you have to consult EACH section of the book for EVERY site you want to do. It's miserable.

Other than that not much is going on. Kiyoshi took his MCAT and he'll get the score in about a month. We vote for SBA and Honor Court on Wednesday and Thursday and find out the results on Thursday at the Bar Review.

I believe that is all!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ebilazeth,

    First off, I love you.

    Second off, I love your blog and getting to know what's going on in your life

    Third off, I'm so proud of you for rocking the brief.

    Fourth off, I would totally vote for you because I read the poster in the man's voice..and because I think you'll be great.

    Fifth off, I think this is a really long list...kind of like the long voicemail messages I used to leave. Doesn't it take you back?
