
Thursday, September 15, 2011

How to be a southerner.

LLR Boot Camp has some interesting side effects. Other than making every 1L want to rip the Blue Book to shreds, it also sends us to the library in herds to finish our secondary source research before the next LLR class. For everyone in my section, it's after our Torts class on Monday and Thursday. It's pretty funny now to see all of us scrambling around trying to figure out where in the library to go, but I bet it will be even funnier next year when we watch those 1L's doing what we had to do. It's pretty chaotic.

While we were doing some research, one of the girls from Baltimore asked Caitlyn and me to teach her how to be a southerner. It was a pretty fun assignment, and WAY more interesting than our secondary source research. Here's what we came up with:
1. ALWAYS say ma'am or sir when answering a question to adults or someone you're unfamiliar with UNLESS you're sure they're younger than you.
2. Apologize way too often. Even if you're standing still and someone runs into you, apologize.
3. Sweet tea is a must.
4. Hold the door for everyone- you'll end up getting stuck at the door for a long time sometimes, but if you don't hold the door people will think you're rude.
5. Say thank you to any sort of critique from someone of authority even if it's mean.
and my personal favorite-
6. You can say WHATEVER you want, as long as you follow up or precede the statement with "bless his/her/their heart(s)".

Pretty much- kill people with kindness. I had never thought about how true #6 was until we told her about it, but it is incredibly true! You can say, "That is the ugliest baby I've ever seen, bless his heart." and get away with it because, bless his heart, he can't help it!

Kiyoshi's on his way over and we're going to get dinner and then I'm going to get ready for the Bar Review tonight.

I love you!

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