
Friday, September 16, 2011


Oh my goodness, I'm SO glad it's Friday. This week seemed EXTRA long for some reason- it probably has something to do with the Blue Book hell that we're being put through. It's miserable. You spend at LEAST an hour or two on each exercise only to get your grade at the end telling you you've gotten 9 out of 23 correct. It makes me seriously doubt my intelligence. The good thing (I guess?) is that I'm not the only one that feels that way, and I've yet to come across a person who ISN'T having problems with it.

I'm on exercise 4 and still feel like I haven't learned anything yet. Don't worry family, I'm going back over them and tabbing and highlighting everything to make sure I learn it, but it really is disheartening. The thing everyone is most worried about is we have a test on the 23rd that's supposed to be very similar to the exercises, but we only have an hour to complete the test. How in the world are we supposed to finish a TEST in an hour if we can't even finish the EXERCISES in an hour??

In other news, I wasn't elected to the Honor Court. I'm bummed, but I'm not devastated. There were a million people running and we had to win by a majority, so I honestly would've been surprised if I HAD been elected. The good news is that our section took all 4 spots on SBA available for 1L's which is pretty awesome :-)

Finally, I just saw this on TV and feel like it needs to be shared.

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