
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hair Challenge: Day 4

Day 4: My fail-safe

Today I woke up and didn't feel very pretty or very cute, so I used my go-to hairstyle. I'm probably going to regret using this so early in the hair challenge, but today was just not a cute hair day.

That being said- I honestly wear my hair like this probably 99% of the time, and I actually get a lot of compliments on it. I can't take credit for it being cute however, because one of the perks of having curly hair, is that it looks cute/sweet when a few curls are straggling around whatever hairstyle you have going on. I know these pictures aren't great, but I still haven't really gotten the hang of taking pictures of my hair, and I REFUSE to take a picture of my reflection in the mirror.

To re-create:
I really don't know if I can describe how to do this because it's really just muscle memory at this point and not difficult at all.

I guess you pull you hair into a pony tail and wrap a pony tail holder around it once, and then pull your ponytail halfway through and wrap the pony tail holder around it and the bun thingy it makes.

I know, those instructions are horrible, but I really don't know what I do... I'm sorry!!

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